Attack on Titan is a Japanese manga series that ended up having a television anime adaptation. The story "is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by enormous walls as a defense against the Titans, gigantic humanoid creatures who devour humans seemingly without reason"(Wiki). Kinda depressing right? The main protagonists are Eren Yeager, his adoptive sister Mikasa Ackerman, and their childhood friend Armin Arlert. Now Kotobuya is releasing 3 statues of those characters in the ArtFx J line. The statues are sold separately, but the entire set is pretty cool. And if you like comics, come and see this Nightwing New 52 ArtFX+
Name: Kotobukiya "Attack on Titan" Eren Jaeger ArtFx J
Kotobukiya "Attack on Titan" Mikasa Ackerman ArtFx J
Kotobukiya "Attack on Titan" Levi ArtFx J
Price: Around $115 each
Click to check it out: Eren Jaeger - Play-asia amazon.com
Mikasa Ackerman - Play-Asia amazon.com
Levi - Play-asia amazon.com
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